Friday, 6 May 2011

Note to Moderator

I hope you have enjoyed looking throught my final magazine design. I feel i have mae much improvement that is clear to see from the making of the draft to the final design.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Cover final

Contents final

Double page spread final

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From making my magazine I have used a lot of different technologies on the computer and have learned many different skills while producing the cover, contents and double page spread of my magazine. The main technology I used while producing my magazine was Photoshop. I used this to layout the magazine and have the design I wanted. I was able to play around with different themes and styles when producing my magazine to find the correct one. Using Photoshop enabled me to learn skills that help me produce my magazine in a faster time and to make it look more professional. I was able to get the correct colour on the cover that I thought would suit the audience I was targeting. I had learned many different skills from making my draft copy to making my final copy of the magazine. I had learned how to get the same colour from my cover on to my contents to make it match. This is a vital skill to learn because it made the colour a constant running theme throughout the magazine. This made it look more professional as it looked like the colour scheme had been specifically picked. On Photoshop I also learned how to get different fonts of texts from the website and put them on Photoshop and make them the colour I wanted and also change the size. This helped the appearance of the magazine as it allowed the font to follow a pattern that the reader would recognise from other pages of the magazine. I used a similar font throughout the magazine but changed the colour of it to make it stand out on different backgrounds.
I also learned how to re size pictures on Photoshop so they would fit on my magazine how I wanted them. I also learned how to cut them out of the background so I could put the photo on any background so they would stand out. From this I was able to have my photos wherever I wanted them, and after looking at existing magazines I was able to get a good idea of what worked and the size my pictures should be. Photoshop allowed me to change them to exactly how I wanted them. I did however encounter a few problems while using Photoshop. I was unable to get the right background colour to suit the style of my magazine so I decided it would be best to leave it white. If I was able to get a mixed colour background I would have had a mix of white and grey to make it stand out slightly. I also had some problems cutting out the photos as it took me a long time. I did not find a quick way of doing this which would have saved a lot of time. I also had a problem transferring text into Photoshop; this made it hard to get the right sized text and the right font to go with my magazine.
I also learned how to use Scribd when transferring work from a word document and putting it on my blog. I was able to re size it and put it on my blog making it look different and keeping the work as a whole piece on my blog. It made it easier to put work onto my blog.
I used a school camera to take the pictures for the cover, contents and double page spread of my magazine. I was able to get the right shot as I took many pictures until i found one I was going to use. I then transferred my pictures from the camera and put them onto a memory stick. I have learned that I would take more of a variety of photos so my magazine would have different people pictured in it. I have learned how to efficiently use the camera and make the zoom to the correct position I want. This allows me to have the picture I want so I can make them similar to the existing magazines such as ‘NME’ and ‘Q’ that I have found from my research.

How did you attract/address your audience?

Evaluation 5

Friday, 8 April 2011

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Evaluation 4 final

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From making my magazine I have used a lot of different technologies on the computer and have learned many different skills while producing the cover, contents and double page spread of my magazine. The main technology I used while producing my magazine was Photoshop. I used this to layout the magazine and have the design I wanted. I was able to play around with different themes and styles when producing my magazine to find the correct one. Using Photoshop enabled me to learn skills that help me produce my magazine in a faster time and to make it look more professional. I was able to get the correct colour on the cover that I thought would suit the audience I was targeting. I had learned many different skills from making my draft copy to making my final copy of the magazine. I had learned how to get the same colour from my cover on to my contents to make it match. This is a vital skill to learn because it made the colour a constant running theme throughout the magazine. This made it look more professional as it looked like the colour scheme had been specifically picked. On Photoshop I also learned how to get different fonts of texts from the website and put them on Photoshop and make them the colour I wanted and also change the size. This helped the appearance of the magazine as it allowed the font to follow a pattern that the reader would recognise from other pages of the magazine. I used a similar font throughout the magazine but changed the colour of it to make it stand out on different backgrounds.
I also learned how to re size pictures on Photoshop so they would fit on my magazine how I wanted them. I also learned how to cut them out of the background so I could put the photo on any background so they would stand out. From this I was able to have my photos wherever I wanted them, and after looking at existing magazines I was able to get a good idea of what worked and the size my pictures should be. Photoshop allowed me to change them to exactly how I wanted them. I did however encounter a few problems while using Photoshop. I was unable to get the right background colour to suit the style of my magazine so I decided it would be best to leave it white. If I was able to get a mixed colour background I would have had a mix of white and grey to make it stand out slightly. I also had some problems cutting out the photos as it took me a long time. I did not find a quick way of doing this which would have saved a lot of time. I also had a problem transferring text into Photoshop; this made it hard to get the right sized text and the right font to go with my magazine.
I also learned how to use Scribd when transferring work from a word document and putting it on my blog. I was able to re size it and put it on my blog making it look different and keeping the work as a whole piece on my blog. It made it easier to put work onto my blog.
I used a school camera to take the pictures for the cover, contents and double page spread of my magazine. I was able to get the right shot as I took many pictures until i found one I was going to use. I then transferred my pictures from the camera and put them onto a memory stick. I have learned that I would take more of a variety of photos so my magazine would have different people pictured in it. I have learned how to efficiently use the camera and make the zoom to the correct position I want. This allows me to have the picture I want so I can make them similar to the existing magazines such as ‘NME’ and ‘Q’ that I have found from my research.

How does your media product represent particular social groups ?

Friday, 1 April 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (I.e. of music magazines)

The title of the existing magazine NME is placed in the left hand corner and the masthead does not spread across the top of the cover. This is similar to mine as I have tried to give the cover of my magazine the same style. The existing magazine is also in a bold font that stands out to the reader immediately because it is a short and sharp title. The layout of my magazine is also similar to the NME cover. I have put my photo more to one side of the page and put it slightly crossing over the masthead as my research showed that the style of the NME magazine and I wanted to create that style in mine. I have used a similar font for my masthead as the one in the existing magazine. I thought it worked well as it stands out clear to the reader. The photo I took is similar to the photo of the existing magazine as it fills most of the cover; I have also picked someone to be on the front of my magazine that suits the style I was going for. He is dressed in similar style of clothes that are the same colour. As the background on the existing magazine I was looking at is white I kept mine the same. The dark colour of clothing works well as it creates a contrast and stands out.
I have also used the same colour for my headline that the existing magazine has used and placed it across the body of the person on the cover. I have made it the biggest headline on the cover so it stands out and is the first thing the reader sees when picking up the magazine. I have also used the idea of writing under the main headline, taken from the existing magazine where I have made it slightly smaller but kept the font the same and made it white so it still stands out. I have also took the same colour scheme from the existing magazine of white, red and black as I feel the colours work well together and the black font on white background makes it clearly stand out. I have also added an additional colour of gold just to highlight certain cover stories. This is to improve the appearance of the cover and to grab the reader’s attention as they will feel the highlighted cover stories are important. I have kept to the same font and colour of headings from the cover page to the contents page. This is to make a pattern and to give my magazine a style. Most of the fonts are bold so they stand out and I have used bold colours such as black and red. It creates an effect to the magazine and makes it eye catching and effective.

Unlike the existing magazine cover I have looked at I have put other bands of similar genre of music on my cover. Bands such as ‘Kasbian’, and artists such as; Ian Brown, Liam Gallagher and John Lennon have been referred to on my cover so people who enjoy listening to those bands will be interested in reading the magazine. I have also referred to these bands and artists in my contents page to match my cover stories. I have made my created artist to be similar to the one mentioned throughout my cover and contents so the readers will be interested in him and will want to read on to find out more about him. My created artist is represented as a past band member who has now come back into the music scene but as a solo artist. It is a similar genre of music to what is shown on the cover and contents and the artist ‘Jonny Wellens’ is shown to have attitude but matched it to the style of music he plays. The artist is similar to who you would find on the front of NME magazines and in the pictures on the cover and contents he is stood and dressed in a similar way to artists on existing magazines. The way he is dressed also suits the style of music he plays.
My contents page follows my cover page in the way it is set out and the colour scheme. The fonts I have used also match the fonts and colours on the cover. This is so the reader recognises them from the cover stories. I have used big pictures on my contents so they are what the reader sees first. The pictures are of the same artist who is on the cover; the reader will then recognise him and know this issue is about him.

Friday, 25 March 2011

How does your media product represent particular social groups ?

Audience profile evaluation

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation 3 draft

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation 1

Friday, 18 February 2011

This is the font and style of text i am thinking of putting on my magazine. I think it suits the style of magazine i have chosen and is a differnt style of font to magazines that already exist of the same genre. It will look different and gives the magazine a differnt style. I may put the cover stories in the same font to link it together.

Draft double page spread

Draft contents

Draft cover

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Cover colour schemes

I like the colour scheme of this magazine as it shows the original MOD style of the target which is in the colours of the union Jack. This style shows that it is original English music that follows the MOD culture. The union jack coloured background is also shown in the text of the cover stories and also on the jacket of the main photo in the middle. The colours highlight the photo and make it stand out from  the rest of the images. The colours also make the headlines stand out from the rest of the text. The colours make all of the cover link together.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Cover picture analysis

This is the sort of size picture i am going to have on the front of my magazine cover, it fills most of the cover page and is clearly the main feature of the magazine and that is the idea i want my cover to show. It also shows a similar colour scheme of black and white which is the colour scheme i have chose for my magazine. There is also an added colour which in this magazine is red. I am going to put the effect of a navy blue to act as the added colour just to make the text stand out from the rest of the cover. I also like how the cover is not too over crowded and there is space in between the cover lines. This makes it easier on the eye as the reader will be prepared to look at the few cover lines.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

I like this photo as it symbloises the indie music culture as the target sign is a well recognised symbol that links back to this genre of music. I also like the colour schemes as the blue and white suit the colours of my magazine, and the picture being in black and white makes it stand. I would like to re creae this image and put it on my contents page as it suits the idea of the magazine i am creating. 

contents idea

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Colour palletes analysis

The colours i have chose to look at are very basic and consist of no more than three colours. I want the cover to show a contrast of colours and thats why i have put together mainly light colours on dark. I think the magazine would look better with only 2 or 3 colours as it would not overcrowd but would still make it look appealing. The colours i have chose are very easy to put together and they are eye catching when you first see them.

Colour palletes

colour palettes

Friday, 7 January 2011